Monday, October 15, 2007

Look You Stoopit Bitch...

When you say you want the job and then you confirm with me you'll be at said job on Monday morning, here's a about you SHOW UP FOR THE FUCKING JOB BITCH!!!??? Phoning my private cell phone on a Sunday night from another fucking city no less, to tell me that 'it's not going to work out', you showing up at the job, is just not smart. Especially since you assume I don't have call display and can't fucking see that you aren't in the city as your message suggests.

Fuck you're stupid!!!! How did I not see this in you prior to the job offer? To assume that I will be able to pull another employee out of my fucking ass to replace you on such short notice is ignorant to a power beyond measure. Oh, but wait, there's more. The motherfucking ass rimming nerve of you to suggest in your voicemail message that you might 'rather take the other job I suggested that starts on Tuesday morning is mindbogglingly unbefuckinglievable!!! Ummmm, how about ..... NNNOO!!!!???

You stupid cunt, your name is mud in this little town of ours, where I have way more fucking pull than you know; and it's a good thing I do, because you working on sullying my good business name like that makes me want to filet a bitch!

and while I'm at it...fuck you Mickey! stop wasting your time sending me emails that I delete without reading. you need medication. STAT


Attention Whore said...

Oh, I totally had to fire someone before she started once. I never should have hired her after she was late for her interview, but I didn't have many choices (economy good, our ability to pay bad).

She was supposed to show up on a Friday to fill out paperwork before starting on Monday, but never did. On Monday, she didn't show up for work, and when I called to find out where she was, there was no answer. I left a message saying she was fired. She called back to say she missed the call because was on her way in (like 4 fucking hours late). Um, no. Sorry, if you can't get in within a few hours of starting time and you can't pick up a fucking phone to let me know, your ass is fired.

joy said...



Damsel in Distress said...

Oh, yes. So this is the future of today's irresponsible college students. Now it all makes sense.