So here it is:
Ok, I've had it. I can't take it anymore. Parenting and pregnancy are NOT fucking handicaps! I know this because I have given birth to 3 boys, so I have been pregnant and I am a parent, so I get to speak from experience here. It is not a handicap. Period.
I'll qualify my frustration.
Back in the day, there were a few reserved parking spots for disabled ~ aka handicapped (or to be more PC about it, handy-capable) ~ people. That is to say, people with physical limitations. These spots save said disabled from having to travel farther to the mall etc., so they would have more energy to move about the mall etc., once inside. Ok fine, but lets be honest here...usually people traveling with disabilities are accompanied by some device that enables them to travel freely; oft times, the device has wheels.
Fair enough, you have a disability, I defer. Happily, 'cause I'm actually a nice person deep down, and karma is serious business.
These days, when I travel to my nearest shopping destination, I find that I am relegated to the very back of the lot. This is because I have the audacity to be young, healthy and without child! Today, when I pull into the lot it starts with the whole front reserved for those with handicap stickers, next are about 12 spots for seniors, then come the 'with child' ~ aka pregnant spots, and last but certainly not least, and still in prime position to make it to the doors faster than most, are parent with children parking spots. WHAT??!!!
I'm not even going to start with the pregnant parking, other than to say that pregnant women are able to take aerobic classes right up 'till they give birth. I have a friend who just gave birth last week; she went to kickboxing class twice a week until a few weeks before baby. Pregnancy is not a disability. However, I will defer to your decision to birth a child and give you preferential treatment, 'cause I'm nice. I'm bitter, but I'm still nice.
However, I have officially drawn the line and I will dammit, park in the parent with children spot. I am a parent, so fuck you. AND even if I wasn't, parenting is not a bloody handicap. Most children are certainly well enough to walk on their own, and babies travel in strollers. WTF???? If you're that unhealthy that you can't walk the extra 20 feet to the store, then perhaps you should be home in bed. Or in palliative care maybe?
I have no problem parking a mile from the store really. I always take the stairs. I'm healthy and active. It's the principal of the thing. Enough already!
Your choice to have children is not my problem. I didn't ask for special parking or get handouts because I chose to have babies, and I sure as hell don't need to be responsible for your choice to have babies.
I'm glad I got that one off my chest!
I concur! Who thought all those parking specialty names up anyhow?!
Well done my saucy friend, well done.
Speak the truth Sister, say it like it is. If more people in this world were truthful instead of PC we just might get somewhere!
I have never seen this absurd thing you speak of, "pregnancy" or "with child" parking spots, I would probably throw up. What an idiotic idea. Thanks for your post!
so am i
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