So yesterday I got back from visiting the folks. The flights were fine, no major delays. I got to the airport here and the bags took a long time to come out, but no big deal. Here is where the fun begins. I get to the parking lot and I have to wander around for a bit because I can't remember where I put the car, but I find it after a few minutes. And the battery is dead. As it always is when the car has been sitting outside overnight, because my battery is a piece of shit, but I refuse to replace it because it's less than a year old. Also the doors are unlocked, which is maybe battery related? But I guess no one is going to steal a car with a dead battery, and have to pay to get it out of the airport parking lot. So I walk back to the parking shelter to call the parking people to jump my battery, nearly busting my ass slipping on an icy patch of the way and crashing into someone's car. I call and the cranky parking lady tells me it will be "a while" because there are several people in line ahead of me. I go back to the car to wait. It is very cold, though I don't know how cold because I have to turn on the car to see my handy thermometer thingy. I wait and wait and talk on the phone and wait some more. 45 minutes pass. I go back to the shelter and call the cranky lady, who claims that the battery guy has been there and I wasn't there. Where would I have gone? I describe where I am again. She and the battery guy argue back and forth about whether she told him the wrong place or he went to the wrong place. I go back to the car. The battery guy comes and is nice and jumps the battery, so I am now able to look at the thermometer and see that it is 10 degrees F. I had no hat because I was coming from a warmer climate and didn't plan on being outside for an hour when I got back. So I drive home, with my stocking feet pressed up against the heater vent (not a safe way to drive, I know, but I made it). I am so excited to get home. There is snow on the driveway, but it doesn't look that deep, so I start driving up. Halfway up the driveway, the car gets stuck. Have I mentioned that by now it is 8:30 pm and I have not had dinner? I am very cranky. The car is in the driveway, so it wouldn't be a problem except that, as we know, the battery dies if left outside. I have this nifty battery warmer thing (also called a trickle charger, which sounds dirty/disgusting), but it has to be plugged in, so there's a problem. So I go inside and call my boyfriend to see if he has any ideas. His ideas: digging the car out, getting an extension cord to connect the warmer, or washing the snow off the driveway with the hose. I'm pretty sure that the hose thing is a terrible idea, so I disregard that one. Does he know where an extension cord is? No. He knows where one is at his house, and he's not sure whether there's one at my house or not. I look around and can't find one. That leaves digging the car out. I have a snow shovel, but I have never actually used it. So I start shoveling. It is now 9 pm. You can see my house from the main road. I look like an idiot. I finish shoveling and try to drive the car into the garage. Still stuck, and now making an unpleasant burning smell. I call the boyfriend again and whine. He makes some more suggestions. I shovel some more, then back the car up and try again. And it finally works! I go inside and eat a Lean Cuisine and a bunch of caramel popcorn. Then this morning I hit the trash can with the car.
This had me laughing until I cried. I shouldn't laugh at your misery, but apparently your misery is funny. ;)
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This Blog Blew Me Away
Good grief there's just no rest for the wicked and weary, huh?
hahahah sorry, but that was so fuckin' funny.
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