Did you know that every time you look at us, obsessively, clicking and clicking on our site, reading and reading and reading and hating and seething and reading, you actually make us worth more? Your hatred makes me and my girls money! Aren't you silly? Spending all your time worrying about stuff that isn't your business actually makes money for us. I think that would bother me if I were you, you silly ass ho, but then, I'd never be you. And I guess, if I was you, I'd hate me, too. So in the end, it all comes full circle like one of those snakes eating its tail. I feel so at peace now.
You see,once upon a time not too long ago,
a Cunt Face like myself had to strongarm a ho...not a ho in the sense of having a pussy, but a pussy having no goddamn sense, to try and push me.
Some fools just love to perform.
Ho Ho Ho
It's the best, sugar. Making money off hatred.
ambition makes me so horny.
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