Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cuntface Anti-Fan Club

I mentioned this this morning in our super secret society, but I believe it deserves a post of its very own, since I have not managed to find time to post here at our new Social Club as yet.

I want to start an Anti-Fan Club (well, actually a PURE HATE club, but it seemed almost harsh even for us cuntfaces to say out loud).

The first member of my club is going to be Ann Coulter. I despise her with a hatred that makes me wretch and yes, even vomit a little into my mouth. I am not sure how a woman who was once picked up on charges of stalking her ex, a woman who is so painfully misguided, anti-semitic, insulting and downright ignor-ANT is allowed to have any say on any matter. like. ever! I bow my head in shame that she is a member of my gender. She's too scummy to even be a Cuntface for fuck sake!!

Right beside her is Rush Limbaugh. Oh dear god how did this parasite manage to get his very own talk show???? What is wrong with the world? This fat fuck actually believes the scum shit that spews forth from his fat, slimy liver lips!! He actually believes that the environment is not in trouble and that it is all a conspiracy. Yes, that's right, there is a conspiracy to make the world a better, healthier place mmm hmmmmm...we conspire to be silly do-gooders!

I could go on and on and on about these two freaks, but that's for the hate club....oops anti-fan club.

Any other nominees my fellow cuntfaces?


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Oo, I'm going to have to say George W. Bush. Limbaugh and Coulter may be dumbasses enough to support invading Iraq or slashing environmental protections or giving billionaires tax cuts, but they don't have the power to actually do it.

GWB also gives recovering alcoholics a bad name. I don't understand how he can be an addict and yet be so unsexy. Bleh! I want me a luscious Clinton back in the White House. Yummy!

~e~ said...

here here! of COURSE GWB must be pushed to the top hated list!!! whatever was i thinking...

yummy clinton sex addict

Hostess said...

The way I deal with Ann is to believe that there was a ig hiring mistake. In my mind, the HR intern went out drinking one night, got to work hung over, dropped a stack of files. When said intern put the files back together, she made a mistake and but Ann's resume in the 'hired' folder. Then someone sent her an offer letter, etc. She came to work and it was too late to fire her. Better yet, some lazy person didn't want to do all the paper work. They let her come to work assuming that she'd inspire an angry mob and be forced into hiding!

Yes, I have seriously rationalized this in my head.

Meghan McKee said...

well, while we are at it........ how about the entire White House! Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld........

msb said...

Condi Rice is the one that scares me. A brilliant woman, I just can't imagine what she is doing in the Bush political machine. I mean whats power, money, and fame. Do you suppose she believes all that crapola that comes slithering off her tongue?

Pussy Galore said...

That was funny my friend...I need to think of people that I hate, I mean, anti fan. For some reason they are not on the tip of my tongue where they usually are. I'll get back to you

DirtyBitchSociety said...

You stated your case, quite well. I feel the same way about Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, as well!

I happen to loath Rev.Al Sharpton. Let me point out, it's not because he's Black but because he uses and wields his power and influence to stir the pot of racial shit. It pisses me off.

suchsimplepleasures said...

right there with ya! i'm going to have to agree about our present president...let me say...i DID NOT vote for him. he should be in the hate list...without a second thought!!!!!

Sugar said...

I saw Howard K. Stern on Larry King the other night talking about that Anna Nicole Smith foolishness, and my blood was boiling. Add his damn name to the list. Wait, does he even have fans???

marky said...

i agree wholeheartedly. Add Sean Hannity. He worships Ann Coulter.

Jay said...

O'Reilly for sure. James Dobson. And Mary, Bush isn't a recovering alcoholic - he's a dry drunk. Not sexy at all.