Monday, December 17, 2007

Beautiful isn't it??? Too bad the devil works here!

Yes, this beautiful resort you see here is where my man and I decided to stay for our romantic overnight getaway. He had meetings with clients in the small town where it's located 3 hours from our home and so we thought what the heck, two birds one stone and all that...romance/business, pretty good combination.

It is even more beautiful in real life, and we had a truly fantastic, romantic evening. The aforementioned meetings started at 3:30 on the opposite side of town, so we arranged with the front desk clerk that we would pay an extra fee to keep the room until later in the afternoon rather than checking out in the morning, at which point I scheduled a manicure and facial. It was perfect! He'd go to his meetings across town and I'd spend the rest of the day spa-ing. When he was done, I'd be done and he could drive back and get me for the 3 hour drive home.

Ah, paradise!! We stayed up late and slept late, what with there being no hurry and all. I woke up all giddy with the luxury of the surroundings and the upcoming pampering. We ordered breakfast and ate it in bed, while staring out at the ocean.

Then the phone rang.

This front desk clerk was not nearly as pleasant as the staff we'd encountered to that moment. In a terse tone, she said ' I see a note here that you're authorized for a 1:00 checkout time'. Hmmm.... 'no actually, we have arranged to keep the room longer for an extra fee (which by the way was $100 ~ for 3 extra hours!! ) because I have spa treatments booked (to the tune of another $300) starting at 4 and nowhere to go in the interim', to which she replies, 'yes, I see that here, but you'll have to check out at 1:00, I re-sold your room this morning'. !!!!!!??????What.the.FUCK???? Are you fucking kidding me you stupid bitch? That's what I was thinking. What I said was, 'oh, ok so I guess we're evicted then. nice'. We then had to rush out of bed to get organized for our new ONE O' CLOCK check out time. A whole day ruined. Just. Like. That. I thought to myself, clearly the resort is SO BUSY that MINE was the only room available this morning. Turns out NO. There were 2 cars besides ours in the lot and the resort was not even close to full. Could it be that my request was inappropriate? I must have done something wrong right? NOPE, I confirmed it with her manager, this fucking slushkunt devil bitch from hell decided to evict us for no good reason. None. Zero. Fuckingassrimming gash RUINED my day for no reason!

I'm no expert on resort management, but this does not seem the appropriate way to treat guests. I say we get her fired!


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

That's insane. Did she (try to) keep the money too?

Polly Kahl said...

Hopefully that $300 spa treatment doesn't show up on your credit card. What a ripoff. I think the hotel owes you a night, gratis.

Barb@TimeIsShort said...

That's soooooooo wrong, damn!