I don't like being jacked off by my employer when they have a product upgrade contest to promote On the Job Joy, when what it really is, is an aggressive management tool to make me sit at my desk and SELL! SELL!SELL! I don't fucking like it!
I don't like being told that this is not a sales position and then being frowned upon if my sales are low.
I don't like being tricked by this motherfucking organization that sold me on a mission statement or Team Vision- gack!(a highly overused buzz word- like buzz word) that states that..." _______ company will be recognized as one of the best-managed businesses to work for in..."
Are you fucking kidding me? This company that doesn't pay for your lunch break, pays just over minimum wage, tells you that taking breaks through out the day (as in a coffee) is okay... but, not really suggested. Because the rule book tells them that they don't hafta give breaks, they don't- This is going to be the best-managed company? By the by, using inter office sales contests is not a team building exercise- it's bribery!
They promote the idea that the customer service (pft-ha) reps are empowered (another gack) but also watch their phone stats like big brother on steroids.
All of this with a friendly smile on their faces, as if they are doing me a favor.
The biggest piss off here? That I fell for this shit. That kind of shit that you just get a whiff of every now and then. Like the guy that sharted in his under-roos and walks by you quickly; that's what this company smells like.
Under-roo shart! All super hero on the outside and stink shit on the inside.
I know it could be worse.Unfortunately, that Mary Sunshine spin on things is not air freshener enough for this joint.
They're just lucky I like the other suckers they hired, and that I have made a decision, for now, to be a responsible starving artist.
A final note, I wouldn't be writing this shit if they told me I was going to be working for a company that favors the underhanded aggreseive sales technique in the first place.
Cards on the table people.
WWooo! I hear ya. after 6 years of working for the same corporation, I made less money, worked longer hours for that less money, and my eligibility for insurance was pulled. Legally, but most despicably. I could go on but this is your post, not mine. corporate buttfucking without a reach-around.
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