Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gotta love these ads!

Am I allowed to say that?

I don't know; I just suddenly feel like a smooth-skinned, cheating married hussy looking for action!

Especially from rich men looking for somewhere to donate their money!


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

And the great thing is, there is now a cheating wife ad right next to this post! I love Google.

Damsel in Distress said...

Actually, I can't take credit for that; the cheating wife ad was already there, so I was just commenting on it (someone else's post must've done the trick).

I am frustrated, however, that the perfect ad aimed at filthy rich men with an addiction to clicking things and a desire for well-waxed cheating wives has not yet appeared. Google, WTF is up with that? I want to see RESULTS! (Or am I misunderstanding how this all works? Probably).

joy said...

I like the way that Google finally figured out what ads to put up when Sprung wrote about waxing her twat.

Damsel in Distress said...

There really must be more public discussion about pubic distraction.

Damsel in Distress said...

Fuckers took down the cheating wife stuff, though; should I not have mentioned it in my post? Did this piss them off?

We have to write about more socially/commericially recognizable topics, I guess.

Attention Whore said...

People will click for sex. Google doesn't do porn ads though does it? How do we get us some porn ads?

Damsel in Distress said...

Let's talk about massage. Or lingerie. Or condoms. Or erectile dysfunction. Quick, someone make up a story about putting on sexy lingerie and giving her man a massage, only to find out that she was trying to put a condom on his erectile dysfunction. God, that's so BORING. This is too easy, like Madlibs for retards.

Oh -- and add that U-tube dildo video too.