Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ann Coulter, Part 2

So I was thinking about why Ann Coulter bothers me so much. It's not just that she's wrong about women voting (and, you know, everything else). And then it hit me. She's a minstrel! She acts out all these stereotypes of women (skinny, blonde, sexy, irrational, shrewish) for the benefit and entertainment of the establishment. The cocktail dress is her blackface!


joy said...

Even in that picture, she looks like a not-real woman. I hate her more now.

~e~ said...

how DO the insane continue to get airtime???? I'm all for freedom of speech, but someone needs to take a bitch out!

woman.anonymous7 said...

The level of self hatred she displays is always breathtaking - just stunning, every time.

Wayward Son said...

Ann sufferes from a bad case of schadenfreude, which is a German word meaning 'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune'.

Of course, if Ann were to fall on hard times (or off a cliff), I would be afflicted as well.